About Me

My photo
My name is Maggie. My formal name is Lady Margaret, but I can't imagine that anyone would ever take the time to actually call me that if they REALLY wanted to get my attention. . . .Apparently "Lady means "breadkneader" or "head of the brood" and Margaret means "pearl." I am a field bred English Cocker. I was raised the first 7 months of my life by a wonderful breeder in Canada who took very very very good care of me. Her name is "Trudy." My Mama's name is "Billie." (Her FB Badge is shown below.) The two of them still keep in touch so they can talk about me, I guess.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Picture of Me and Mama

This is my Mama and me!!! She's a bit of a cornball, but I put up with her because she feeds me.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Long Work Week with Mama!

Now that I have fully recovered from my spay surgery, I am back to my regular schedule-- Thank Goodness!!! I'm running of leash by 6:00 am and have already relieved myself at least a couple times. (Mama especially likes it when I do 2 all over the place so it's more of a challenge for her to find it and pick it up! Sometimes I just pretend I am going 2 so she'll have to cover more distance and actually search for my "little brown kisses.") By 7:00 am, I've helped Mama shower by sticking my nose in the tub just far enough to let her know I am watching and I've eaten breakfast. By the time we drive to work, I am already sleepy so sometimes Mama will hold my leash while I stick my head out the window while she drives to make sure I wake up so I can have lots of energy to see all my friends at the office! Once I make my rounds at the office, it's time to sleep and I am OUT! I think I was asleep for at least two hours when Mama finally looked up from her desk to take the above clip. (Sometimes I think that she would grow roots from her bottom if I weren't there to make sure she got up from her desk once and awhile--REALLY!)

In the two face shots (below) I literally had to run over to her desk, place my paws on her legs, stare at her and stay there until she finally got the message that I WAS READY TO PLAY AGAIN!!! (Sometimes she is a a little SLOOOOOWWW!)

Fun at the Dog Park

This is my friend Kathleen
and her beautiful
Heidi. Heidi tried to play
with me, but I was running all over the park smelling things. . . so Winston took my place. Isn't Heidi adorable? What a great picture of Heidi with her grandma!

At first blush, I though I had come upon an alien (below). Upon closer examination, however, I realized that this poor pooch had just got his ears cropped. Thank goodness, Mama didn't crop my ears! Ouch.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Friday, February 20, 2009

Maggie Playing in the Sand

One of my favorite things to do is dig in the sand!!! I wonder how this translates to Mama's garden?!?!?!?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tired after playing on the beach.

After hours and hours of fun on the beach. . . .Winston and I were pooped.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Playing on the Beach

Here are a couple clips of Winston and I playing on the beach. . . .

Mama's Birthday Weekend at the Beach

I had the best time on the Oregon coast this weekend. It was Mama's birthday so we spent the weekend playing, eating and sleeping with her friend, Kathleen, and my friend, Winston. Winston is a cool labradoodle. He's HUGE! But between me and you, he's a gentle giant -- at least with me. Meet Winston (above).

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

An Afternoon in the Snow with Ash!


Today I went to work with Mama. She told me if I was really good that I would get to play in the park on the way home. I must have been really good because, not only did I get to play in the park--but she arranged a play date with Ash!
Here's how the afternoon began:

Then Ash got to the park! I though he'd never get here!

Let the fun begin! Woof!

Justify Full

And let the fun continue. . . .all afternoon!!! Pleeeeeeezzzzzzzzz. ( I know your feet are freezing, Mama because you are wearing your fancy boots from Paris, but you can go back and get another pair next year!)

Sheryl Crow sings in the background: "All I wanna do, is have some fun. . . 'till the sun goes down and . . .Ash and I are pooped, doo doo doo doo doo."

Let's play leap frog!!!

My Squirrel Friend

Sunday, February 8, 2009

My New Friend "Ash"

This is my new friend, Ash. Ash and I met yesterday in Gabriel park. She's a 3 month old German Shepard and she's FUN! We rolled down the hills together. We jumped around and tackled one another. I even tried to fit Ash's entire neck in my mouth, but that didn't work out too well. Turn about if fair play. Ash quickly caught on and started doing the same thing with me. Next thing you know we would be rolling down the hill together. We must have played for an hour straight. Last night, I was pooped. I can't wait to play with Ash again soon!!!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I love Saturday Mornings with my Mama! NO WORK and ALL PLAY makes MAGGIE a HAPPY DOG! Mama says she even called the vet this morning to see if I they could squeeze me in to see my favorite doctor, Paige, too! I guess that will only happen IF there is a cancellation. . . . (But if Dr. Paige says I look good, that means I am that much closer to getting to RUN off leash.) I can hardly wait to chase my bird friends in the field again. This leash thing is killing me -- Woof! I already know how to heal off lead and I know ALWAYS come when Mama calls me. The Cowboy Junkies said it best I'm "Ready to RUUUUUUN!!!!"

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I went to work today!

Today I went downtown to work with Mama. I am not sure how much work she got done, but I worked hard. I met all of her colleagues. I looked really cute and I got my tummy rubbed! The nice receptionist, Kathleen, even gave me treats! Later in the day when it was time for me to go outside, Mama took me to the South Park Blocks and I was even interviewed by KOIN 6 NEWS! ( I hope they got my good side.) I think I must have been a really good girl today because Mama stopped at Black Dog pet store to get me an enormous bully stick on the way home. ( I wonder if she knows what those things are made of -- REALLY!?!) I know one thing -- she LOVES me and I'm lucky!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pretty Girl

I am soooo BORED.

How long do stiches take to heal. . . REALLY??????

Can we play NOW?

I think I am ready to run in the field again NOW. Really.

My incision.

Guess Mama wants to protect this thing. . . .

My New Sweater

I wonder how long I am going to have to wear this thing? I'd much rather go with my natural coat; I mean SERIOUSLY!!! I'm a field dog afterall. : /

My New Sweater

Recently, I had my surgery to prevent me from having unplanned puppies. Mama didn't want me to have to wear a cone, so she bought me this new sweater instead. Do you like it?

I love to run and bound. I love to bound and run. Sometimes I pretend I'm a rabbit or a kangaroo just to be silly. Mostly, I just like to see my Mama laugh. Look at ME!

Maggie's Blog


My name is Maggie. My formal name is Lady Margaret, but I can't imagine that anyone would ever take the time to actually call me that if they REALLY wanted to get my attention. . . .

I love to play in the field. Here are some pictures of me in my element.