About Me

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My name is Maggie. My formal name is Lady Margaret, but I can't imagine that anyone would ever take the time to actually call me that if they REALLY wanted to get my attention. . . .Apparently "Lady means "breadkneader" or "head of the brood" and Margaret means "pearl." I am a field bred English Cocker. I was raised the first 7 months of my life by a wonderful breeder in Canada who took very very very good care of me. Her name is "Trudy." My Mama's name is "Billie." (Her FB Badge is shown below.) The two of them still keep in touch so they can talk about me, I guess.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Maggie Sees Deer

Last weekend I went to Central Oregon. I was pretty impressed with the beautiful mule deer. I just wish my Mama would have let me out of the car so I could have played a bit! Maybe next time. (Probably not, though. She's a bit overly protective. She blames that on her parents. She calls it "love." Hmm. . . not sure about that one!)

1 comment:

  1. Billie, there are worse things to be than an over protective mother. You are doing great. Maggie is so sweet! Love the pics! Glad you had such fun.
