About Me

My photo
My name is Maggie. My formal name is Lady Margaret, but I can't imagine that anyone would ever take the time to actually call me that if they REALLY wanted to get my attention. . . .Apparently "Lady means "breadkneader" or "head of the brood" and Margaret means "pearl." I am a field bred English Cocker. I was raised the first 7 months of my life by a wonderful breeder in Canada who took very very very good care of me. Her name is "Trudy." My Mama's name is "Billie." (Her FB Badge is shown below.) The two of them still keep in touch so they can talk about me, I guess.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sunny Weekend in Portland!

Last weekend was amazing. Mama took me on a bike ride on the Spring Water Corridor. It was so much fun. I got to ride in a pet trailer (i.e., Burely Tail Wagon) hooked up to her new 2009 Trek Allant cruiser. Look at MEEEEEEEE!!! It was so much fun letting the wind blow through my ears!

After a while, however, I was ready for a swim! Look at me!!!

What a wonderful day with Mama and me!


  1. bark fun bark swim arf sticks arf bark daisys arf fun bark me too woof . . .

  2. You could fit in the Tail Wagon too!!!!Maybe next time?
