About Me

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My name is Maggie. My formal name is Lady Margaret, but I can't imagine that anyone would ever take the time to actually call me that if they REALLY wanted to get my attention. . . .Apparently "Lady means "breadkneader" or "head of the brood" and Margaret means "pearl." I am a field bred English Cocker. I was raised the first 7 months of my life by a wonderful breeder in Canada who took very very very good care of me. Her name is "Trudy." My Mama's name is "Billie." (Her FB Badge is shown below.) The two of them still keep in touch so they can talk about me, I guess.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Long Work Week with Mama!

Now that I have fully recovered from my spay surgery, I am back to my regular schedule-- Thank Goodness!!! I'm running of leash by 6:00 am and have already relieved myself at least a couple times. (Mama especially likes it when I do 2 all over the place so it's more of a challenge for her to find it and pick it up! Sometimes I just pretend I am going 2 so she'll have to cover more distance and actually search for my "little brown kisses.") By 7:00 am, I've helped Mama shower by sticking my nose in the tub just far enough to let her know I am watching and I've eaten breakfast. By the time we drive to work, I am already sleepy so sometimes Mama will hold my leash while I stick my head out the window while she drives to make sure I wake up so I can have lots of energy to see all my friends at the office! Once I make my rounds at the office, it's time to sleep and I am OUT! I think I was asleep for at least two hours when Mama finally looked up from her desk to take the above clip. (Sometimes I think that she would grow roots from her bottom if I weren't there to make sure she got up from her desk once and awhile--REALLY!)

In the two face shots (below) I literally had to run over to her desk, place my paws on her legs, stare at her and stay there until she finally got the message that I WAS READY TO PLAY AGAIN!!! (Sometimes she is a a little SLOOOOOWWW!)

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