About Me

My photo
My name is Maggie. My formal name is Lady Margaret, but I can't imagine that anyone would ever take the time to actually call me that if they REALLY wanted to get my attention. . . .Apparently "Lady means "breadkneader" or "head of the brood" and Margaret means "pearl." I am a field bred English Cocker. I was raised the first 7 months of my life by a wonderful breeder in Canada who took very very very good care of me. Her name is "Trudy." My Mama's name is "Billie." (Her FB Badge is shown below.) The two of them still keep in touch so they can talk about me, I guess.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Long Day

Central Oregon, Doggy Disneyland!

The HARDEST part of coming to my favorite park in Central Oregon (i.e., Big Sky Park) is knowing where to play first! Do I swim? Chase birds? Jump the creek? Dart in and out of the sage brush?

OH MY GOODNESS! So many choices. . .
so little time. . . .

This is my favorite swimming pond by far! Look at ME!
The first video is an example of how I like to listen to how many different ways Mama will try to prompt me to swim. Finally, just so that she knows I appreciate her effort, I take a BIG LEAP and make a BIG SPLASH! I was going after a huge stick in the pond, but I didn't realize how big it was until I tried to jump out of the water. . . .next time, I'll get it!
The second video shows how it really doesn't take THAT much prompting for me to swim. I LOVE IT! I don't like the camera, though. I like to see Mama's eyes smile after a job well done!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Me and Mama Dowtown Portland

Mama making me pose AGAIN. . . .Here we are in the South Park Blocks in downtown Portland. If I look distracted it's because there are seagulls and pigeons and birds EVERYWHERE! The most fun part of this walk was the part where Mama let me jump up on the ledge I am sitting on-- a bunch of times. She LOVES to watch me jump on all the retaining walls, ledges, statues, etc. during our walks. I do too! Walking downtown with Mama is FUN!

More of Me on the Deschutes

Mama likes to take pictures of me. Sometimes I wish she would just hurry up, so I can play. These two pictures took her a reeeeaaaallly long time to take. There were birds flying around, fish jumping in the river and all sorts of desert smells that were teasing me while she made me sit and pose. Maybe Mama should take a class in technology. . . .How long does it take to push a button? Seriously.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Maggie Plays at Mecca Flats

Mama took me to her home water today; the Deschutes River. The canyon was beautiful. Lots of space to run and spring! The river was clean. The air was pure. The day was perfect! The picture above is me after a looooong day of running, swimming and playing. I'm pleasantly pooped!

The current was a little strong here. I was trying to fetch a stick that Mama threw, but I decided the bank looked more appealing than the bottom of the river!

The two springs at the end of this run pretty much sum up my day! Yipppppeeee! I LOVE the Deschutes!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Sunny Weekend in Portland!

Last weekend was amazing. Mama took me on a bike ride on the Spring Water Corridor. It was so much fun. I got to ride in a pet trailer (i.e., Burely Tail Wagon) hooked up to her new 2009 Trek Allant cruiser. Look at MEEEEEEEE!!! It was so much fun letting the wind blow through my ears!

After a while, however, I was ready for a swim! Look at me!!!

What a wonderful day with Mama and me!

Monday, March 23, 2009

My First Swim

Look at me!!! I'm all wet because I went swimming for the first time! One minute I was standing on the bank. The next minute I fell into the river and decided to swim around for a bit just for fun. Now I'm a WATER DOG and a FIELD DOG!!! Mostly, I am a BIG DOG who gets to play in big rivers with other big dogs. I have to tell you all about this park next time. It was like Doggy Disneyland- 40 acres of off leash fun with my Auntie Teri, Auntie Sharon, Cousin Ni Ni Ban Ban and Mama. It was awesome! I can't wait to go back.

Kissing Niban Goodbye

After a weekend of fun, I think Niban looked sad to say goodbye. What do you think?

Maggie Visits Niban

This is my cousin, Niban. She is a ShiTzu who is almost a 30% of my total body weight! It's no wonder she isn't quite sure what to make of me and all of my energy. This is Niban. (See picture above.)

Here is how most of my visit went: Niban and her friend Evo (the cat) hanging out together on furniture items taller than me. Although I could've jumped up to meet them at any given time, it seemed like sometimes they just needed a little space, so I gave it to them. Mama taught me all about nonverbal body language.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Do you know your spaniel varieties?


For more information about the following spaniel variety see: http://www.felsteadgundogs.com/

The Clumber Spaniel
The Clumber Spaniel, the largest of the Spaniel types, has been known for more than 150 years and was originally kept at Clumber, Nottingham, by the Duke of Newcastle. Its evolution is possibly the result of breeding between an Alpine Spaniel and a Basset Hound, as the best points of each are present in the Clumber. The breed has been particularly favoured by Royalty and his late Majesty King George V kept a fine string of Clumbers which were exhibited at many Dog Shows. Also an excellent worker which recently are becoming popular on the trailing scene

The English Cocker Spaniel
The Cocker, one of the smallest and one of the most popular members of the Spaniel family, probably got its name from being used for working coverts during woodcock shoots. There was originally only one variety, namely Red and White; to-day, however, there are Black, Liver, Liver Roan, Golden, Blue Roan, Red and Golden or Lemon Roan Cockers, Sable, Black & Tan, Orange Roan, Black & White, Orange & White, Liver & White and more. The Cocker has been known in England for over a hundred years and still holds a strong place in the affections of dog lovers as it is a good all-round companion, hardy and extremely intelligent, is an excellent all round working dog and many people trial them.

The Working Cocker Spaniel
The Working Cocker, displays the same as the write up on the English Cocker but have been bred for many years of superb working bloodlines, which has resulted in many people trialling them and pet owners displaying more and more interest in keeping them as pets. The reason for this is their loyalty and their excellent temperament with anyone they meet including children and other dogs. If working Cockers are kept as pets, it is well worth joining a club and getting your dog trained properly, it will not only be an eye opener for you it will bring the beauty out for you to see of what the Working Cocker was bred to do. You will also probably get very involved and end up trialling your dog "hooked"

The Brittany Spaniel
medium-sized sporting dog whose origins may be traced back hundreds of years to France and Spain. It stands about 19 in. (48.3 cm) high at the shoulder and weighs between 30 and 40 lb (13.6–18.1 kg). Its dense, flat or wavy coat is dark orange and white or liver and white. Many Brittany spaniels are born tailless or very short-tailed, and a tail that is more than 4 in. (10.2 cm) long is docked to that length. Although it is a “leggy” spaniel, it has a compact body—its height at its shoulder often equals its body length. The Brittany is a first-rate hunter and may easily be trained to retrieve, both on land and water. It is the only spaniel that points its quarry

The English Springer Spaniel
The English Springer Spaniel is a large, land spaniel (versus water spaniel) whose primary function was to "spring" game from thick brush for sportsmen. It descends from Spanish dogs, hence the name "spaniel"; these dogs were brought to Britain as early as 1570. It is the oldest of the spaniel breeds and is considered the forefather of all other land spaniels with the exception of the Clumber. Despite its long history, the breed was not officially recognized until 1902 in England, although it was exhibited there since the 1850s under the name Norfolk Spaniel, though a large type, is one of the many sporting Spaniel breeds which must have come from the same source. was used to "start" game; the name Springer indicates that the object of this particular breed was, not to spring on the game, but to disturb the birds so that they sprang, to be either netted or shot. This dog has remarkable eyesight and an uncanny sense of smell; it makes an excellent guard and companion

The Welsh Springer Spaniel
The Welsh Springer Spaniel is not one of the commonest Spaniels, but is certainly one of the most attractive. His invariable red and white colouring, his legs well proportioned to his body, his domed intelligent head combine to give him a sprightly and handsome appearance. He is certainly a very old breed and has been bred true in Wales for centuries. His nature is lively, and he has the intelligence, faithfulness and endurance common to all spaniels. The Welsh Springer Spaniel dates to the 1500's in Great Britain. The "Springer" spaniel are so named because of their hunting style which is to "spring" hidden game. In Wales they are often referred to as "starters". It can hunt tirelessly for hours over difficult terrain and is resistant to poor weather as well as being unafraid to jump into very cold water. In Wales it is still frequently used as herder and drover. It was recognized as a separate breed in 1902 by the Kennel Club in Great Britain.

The Irish Water Spaniel
Thought by some to be an ancestor of the French Poodle which it somewhat resembles, the Irish Water Spaniel, as its name implies, originated in Ireland. The old type of this dog was curly-coated but lower to the ground; and it is stated that a Pointer was used to improve the breed — a theory which seems to be proved on examination of the face. Although there are many of these dogs in Ireland they are exceedingly rare in England.

The Sussex Spaniel
The Sussex Spaniel is a famous old breed, well adapted to working game among the brush of his native county. His characteristic golden liver colour has been recognised for a hundred and fifty years, and also the varying note that he continually utters when at work. He is rather heavily built, the head especially giving a massive impression, but there is nothing clumsy or slothful about him; on the contrary he is a lively worker

The Field Spaniel
The Field Spaniel is one of the least common of the numerous race of Spaniels. He is one of the smaller kind, no taller than the Cocker though larger in the body. The Field Spaniel bears a very close resemblance indeed to the Sussex Spaniel, yet they are recognised as separate breeds, chiefly on account of colour. The Field Spaniel is all black, as shown, whereas the Sussex has a glistening gold and brown coat.

The American Cocker Spaniel
It was in the 19th century that the American Cocker Spaniel was developed from the Cocker Spaniel in order to retrieve quail and woodcock. Originally they differed from the English Cocker only in size, but by the 1940s the American Cocker differed so much in type from the original Cocker Spaniel that it became impossible to judge them together, and in 1945 the two breeds were separated and each officially recognised with their own standards. Bred as hunting dogs they still retain some of their hunting instincts, some are still kept as working dogs but most are now found in the show ring or as companions.

The Boykin Spaniel
The Boykin Spaniel (designated by Act No. 31, 1985) is the official dog of the State. The Boykin Spaniel is the only dog which was originally bred for South Carolina hunters by South Carolinians and has developed into a breed of superb hunting instincts and mild temperament. They are highly regarded as pets and hunting dogs. The Boykin Spaniel was first bred by South Carolina hunters during the 1900's to provide the ideal dog for hunting ducks and wild turkeys in the Wateree River Swamp. Hunters on South Carolina's River needed a small rugged dog compactly built for boat travel and able to retrieve on land and water.

The Tibetan Spaniel
The lineage of the Tibetan Spaniel is an ancient one, and no one can be certain how the breed developed. It is assumed that the breed represents a combination of the Pekingese, the Pug and the Japanese Spaniel. Originally bred in Tibetan monasteries, the breed was thought to bring luck and also served the monks by turning the prayer wheel. The breed was well recognized in both China and Tibet by the 15th century, but it wasn't until 1920 that the first Tibetan Spaniels were imported to England. By the close of WWII, the breed was popular in Britain as a family pet. In the 1960's, it made its debut in North America in 1966 and was recognized by the AKC in 1984. It makes a good city pet and does not require a lot of exercise.

Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
small dog developed in the early 20th cent. from the English toy spaniel. It stands about 12 in. (30 cm) high at the shoulder and weighs from 13 to 18 lb (6–8 kg). Its long, silky coat may be slightly wavy, but never curly, and forms a fringe of longer hair, or feathers, on the ears, legs, tail, and feet. Although it is usually white with chestnut markings, it may have any of the colour patterns of the English toy spaniel. Around 1926 there began a revival of interest in the toy spaniel that had been popular in 17th cent. England. By selective breeding of modern toy spaniels that resembled this older type, a new breed, the cavalier, was developed in the relatively short span of approximately 20 years. A widely popular dog in England

King Charles Spaniel
King Charles Spaniels are descended from the aristocratic pets of the Royal Courts, black and tan King Charles Spaniels being special favourites of King Charles II. There are four varieties (black and tan, ruby, tri-colour and Blenheim), which differ only in colour, the Blenheim having a ground of pearly white, with well-distributed chestnut red patches, a wide clear blaze, and in the centre of the skull a "spot" - a clear chestnut red mark about the size of a sixpence. The coat should be long and silky, slightly wavy, but not curly. Height about 8 in. Weight: 8-11 lb.

The Japanese (Chin) Spaniel
The Japanese Chin, also known as the Japanese Spaniel, or simply the Chin, originated in Japan during the 700's as a companion to aristocracy. The Japanese Chin is similar to, and probably descended from, the Pekingese but is taller, yet lighter of build; it may also share its roots with the Pug. The Chin was a favourite of the Japanese Imperial Family when a 10th century emperor decreed that all dogs must be worshipped. It was first introduced to Britain when Queen Victoria received a pair as a gift in 1853. This little dog is a cherished companion and requires very little outdoor activity. It has an average life span of 12 years, but can live as long as 18 years or more

Maggie Hides in the Snow.

On the way over the pass I got to play in the snow! It reminded me of my home in Canada and my snow play days there. Mama was calling and calling me, but I was so caught up in the snow that I didn't even hear her-- or at least that's what she thinks. I could've stayed there all day. I LOVE THE SNOW! I'm a SNOW DOG and a FIELD DOG! : )

Maggie Sees Deer

Last weekend I went to Central Oregon. I was pretty impressed with the beautiful mule deer. I just wish my Mama would have let me out of the car so I could have played a bit! Maybe next time. (Probably not, though. She's a bit overly protective. She blames that on her parents. She calls it "love." Hmm. . . not sure about that one!)

Mohawk Maggie

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Spaniel Play Date at Urban Fauna

The first time I came to the spaniel play date I was a bit overwhelmed. I had just gone under the knife and was still recovering when Mama thought it would be a great idea for me to meet 30 - 40 new friends! This month it was much better. I made a friend, Kendall. She is the King Cavalier I am rolling around with on the floor. I love Spaniel Play Date -- the first Sunday of every month!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Picture of Me and Mama

This is my Mama and me!!! She's a bit of a cornball, but I put up with her because she feeds me.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Another Long Work Week with Mama!

Now that I have fully recovered from my spay surgery, I am back to my regular schedule-- Thank Goodness!!! I'm running of leash by 6:00 am and have already relieved myself at least a couple times. (Mama especially likes it when I do 2 all over the place so it's more of a challenge for her to find it and pick it up! Sometimes I just pretend I am going 2 so she'll have to cover more distance and actually search for my "little brown kisses.") By 7:00 am, I've helped Mama shower by sticking my nose in the tub just far enough to let her know I am watching and I've eaten breakfast. By the time we drive to work, I am already sleepy so sometimes Mama will hold my leash while I stick my head out the window while she drives to make sure I wake up so I can have lots of energy to see all my friends at the office! Once I make my rounds at the office, it's time to sleep and I am OUT! I think I was asleep for at least two hours when Mama finally looked up from her desk to take the above clip. (Sometimes I think that she would grow roots from her bottom if I weren't there to make sure she got up from her desk once and awhile--REALLY!)

In the two face shots (below) I literally had to run over to her desk, place my paws on her legs, stare at her and stay there until she finally got the message that I WAS READY TO PLAY AGAIN!!! (Sometimes she is a a little SLOOOOOWWW!)